Bonus Assignment 3. Decision trees

Bonus Assignment 3. Decision trees#


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In this assignment, we’ll go through the math and code behind decision trees applied to the regression problem, some toy examples will help with that. It is good to understand this because the regression tree is the key component of the gradient boosting algorithm which we cover in the end of the course.

Left: Building a regression tree, step 1. Right: Building a regression tree; step 3

Further, we apply classification decision trees to cardiovascular disease data.

Left: Risk of fatal cardiovascular disease. Right: A decision tree fit to cardiovascular disease data.

In one more bonus assignment, a more challenging one, you’ll be guided through an implementation of a decision tree from scratch. You’ll be given a template for a general DecisionTree class that will work both for classification and regression problems, and then you’ll be testing the implementation with a couple of toy- and actual classification and regression tasks.